A Bootstrap-Aggregating in Random Forest Model for Classification of Corn Plant Diseases and Pests
Control of diseases and pests of maize plants is a significant challenge to ensure global food security, self-sufficiency, and sustainable agriculture. Classification or early detection of diseases and pests of corn plants is intended to assist the control process. Random forest is a classification model in tree-based statistical learning in making decisions. This approach is an ensemble method that generates many decision trees and makes classification decisions based on the majority of trees selecting the same class. However, tree-based methods are often unstable when small changes or disturbances exist in the learning data. Such instability can produce significant variances and affect model performance. This study classifies diseases and pests of the corn plant using a random forest method based on bootstrap-aggregating. It fits multiple models of a single random forest, then combines the predictions from all models and determines the final result using majority voting. The results showed that the bootstrap aggregating could improve the classification of diseases and pests of maize using a random forest if the number of trees is optimal.
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