Prediction of Plastic-Type for Sorting System using Fisher Discriminant Analysis
Recycling is a more environmentally friendly method of managing and reducing plastic waste that can significantly reduce land degradation, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. According to its composition, an essential first step in the recycling process is sorting out plastic waste. However, inadequate sorting of plastic types can result in cross-contamination and increasing industrial operating costs. A low-cost automated plastic sorting system can be developed by using digital image data in the red, green, and blue (RGB) color space as the dataset and predicting the type using learning datasets. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to use Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) to predict the plastic type from a digital image of the RGB model and then evaluate the performance using cross-validation. This work has four main steps: collecting plastic digital image data, forming statistical tests, predicting plastic types, and evaluating prediction performance. FDA is quite effective for predicting the type of plastic. Performance measures the accuracy of 87.11 %, the recall-micro of 91.67 %, the recall-micro of 80.97 %, the specificity-micro of 90.33 %, and the specificity-macro of 90.38 %, respectively. The micro is determined by the number of decisions made for each object. In comparison, the macro is calculated based on the average decision made by each class.
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